William Selmo


Experienced Entrepreneur and Digital Transformation Leader with a proven track record in driving growth, optimizing operations, and developing successful e-commerce strategies. Skilled in CRM, strategy, operations, and sales, with expertise in managing teams, implementing new technologies, and establishing efficient workflows. Has build 1.2M pipeline as Sales Manager at Kleecks in 4 months and leading Digital Transformation initiatives as a Freelance Digital Transformation Manager at I-AER Institute of Applied Economic Research. 6 years of entrepreneurship developing Glimmed a fashion brand building company with a focus on: - Elettra Lamborghini Collection kidswear Licensee Brand with 1M in annual revenue. - Not After Ten influencer based Digital Brand, 400k in revenue in 7 months. - Glimmed HQ digitalization in order to develop a fully automated operations structure ablet to manage peaks of 1000 daily orders both B2B and B2C with a team of 4 people including warehouse management.

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